“Mobilegeddon” & Keeping Your Website Secure

There have been some big changes in the online marketing world recently. Google has made it more important than ever before for you to care about your mobile website visitors, through their new update coined “Mobilegeddon” or “Mobilepocalypse”.

In addition to this, we’re also going to talk about the recent hackings that have occurred with the WP Super Cache plugin, and how you can protect your website from further problems from occurring in the future.

mobilegeddon web servicesHere’s What You Need to Know About “Mobilegeddon”

How much time have you spent optimizing your website for your mobile visitors? Chances are, like most of us, not much time. Google is hoping to change everyone’s attitude on this with with their new update being released on April 21st (AKA “Mobilegeddon”), they’ll be using mobile-friendly as a new search engine ranking factor.

Google has been instructing webmasters to optimize their websites for mobile for a while now, but it looks like webmasters are finally going to be taking the search engine giant seriously with “Mobilegeddon”.

WP Super Cache & Protecting Your Website

In other news, it’s estimated that in excess of 1 million WordPress websites have been effected recently due to a flaw found in a plugin known as WP Super Cache. The plugin is used to generate static HTML files instead of PHP scripts, which ultimately makes a website load faster.

WP Super Cache was recently susceptible to a vulnerability known as cross-site scripting (also referred to as XXS). It’s a vulnerability which could ultimately give complete control to the attacker.

Get help with our Web Services

Hopefully by reading the information provided above you now have taken a different approach towards your online marketing efforts. The two key points are to improve your site for mobile users, and to ensure that any and all plugins that you utilize are kept up-to-date. If you need help optimizing your site for mobile devices or securing your website, our expert web developers are happy to help. Check out our Web Services section for more information.